Over the years the income from many of the smaller Charity Endowments were gradually eroded, and in 2022 these were closed, or transferred to other charities, leaving only two recipients, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, and the Church Fabric Fund.
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School:-
George Taylor’s Charity (Longdoles) income from two investments, 507.5 COIF units, and from £2,149 invested with CAF Solutions Ltd.
M&G Investment Fund for Charities 350 Charifund shares.
M&G Charibond Charities Fixed Interest Fund 1,156 shares.
Spalden’s Educational Foundation 99 Charibond shares.
Spalden’s Educational Foundation Charibond 29 shares.
Turnbull Charity 213 Charibond shares.
Wayleave about £28.
In 2022 the income from the above was about £600.
St. Oswald’s Church Fabric Fund.
George Taylor’s Charity (Longdoles) income from two investments, 507.5 COIF units, and from £2,149 invested with CAF Solutions Ltd.
Ashbourne Lectureship (Divnity) 72.62 COIF units.
Turnbull Charity 454 Charibond shares.
Corden Educational Foundation (Sunday School) 102,95 units.
E U Corden Bibles 60.49 COIF units.
In 2022 the income from the above was about £417.